Minutes AGM 26th Feb 2020.

Present: Nadia Gadiva, Simona Schmetterling, Michelle Ryan, Fergus Byrne

Bank account is discussed. Names need to be changed. It remains in the names of Macdara and Yaeli. Yaeli has asked to be removed. Macdara has no objection to being removed. Difficulty in getting everybody to the bank together to transfer account to Fergus and Marco Perez.

It would be good to have an online bank account that would be more efficient but these account come with charges. We are trying to avoid this. At present all payments have to be made by cheque and account figures can only be accessed by visiting the bank or through statements.

Revolute is suggested as an online means to pay which may not involve a bank account. This is to be looked into.

Guidelines for contact sessions are discussed. This has been discussed before. Something that could be laminated and appear on the door of the studio that all people could read. They might also appear on the website or facebook page. The guidelines should address things like:

nature of the Contact Improv dance, that it is non-sexual, that though this may arise it is not an area to pursue within the class/jam context. Hygiene of people, loose clothing. Respect for all participants.

It is proposed to gather different sets of guidelines online and draft our own set derived from these and our own principles.

We discuss the workshop with Megan Lowe. It is planned for April 25th, a Saturday – 10 2pm. Insurance is something to look into both for this workshop and in general so that we are in a position to invite people for workshops.

Look up Event Insurance Ireland.

Different vennues come up in this discussion- ‘The Space Between’ on Baggot St, as a means of attracting a new crowd.

Other venues are the Chapel of Ease. Contact Noel.

St Kevin’s Community Centre.

The National Gallery as a site for jam to attract more people.

The website needs updating . Julien has the admin codes for these but can pass them onto somebody else who wants to administer the site.

Means of attracting more people to sessions are discussed – creation of flyers, promotional video to put on website/facebook page.

A larger space is mentioned as something that can contain more people. At present the Studio in the Lab is good for about 10 people.

Sharing of the Spreadsheet for people to put names re leading jams/classes is proposed.

Variations on classes/jams. Working with the underscore is mentioned. Nadia has done it. Kate Pearson led an underscore workshop in the past at Archbishop Byrne Hall.

Suggestion that there should be no use of video and posting on facebook of such during classes/jams. People have been doing this without asking for permission and not everybody wants this. So this should also be mentioned on guidelines.